PLM-6800 (8Ω 1100W×4) > 스피커


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오디오앰프 | PLM-6800 (8Ω 1100W×4)


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Powered processor. PLM6800 is an innovative "powered loudspeaker controller": the combination of a versatile DSP loudspeaker management controller with 4 class-D power amplifiers, each one delivering up to 1700 W @ 4 Ω, whilst guaranteeing a very high efficiency.

The DSP controller (2 inputs / 4 outputs) drives the internal power amplifiers providing all the signal processing functions required for the management, configuration and installation of any type of speaker system, ranging from complex PalcoPLUS by Montarbo® line-arrays to simple one-way or two-way passive systems, even in combination with a subwoofer. The 24-bit Σ-Δ A/D and D/A converters guarantee the maximum audio quality and the powerful 56-bit DSP manages all the signal processing functions on the 4 output channels: limiter, crossover filters, delay and equalization. 
A large LCD display permit to verify all the system's functions, whilst the intuitive control panel allows the selection of the operating preset and the direct control of gain, level, delay and mute of the 4 outputs. The RAConPLM™ software program, supplied with the optional LD2.4 USB interface, allows for remote control, with a Personal Computer, of a network of up to 8 PLM6800.

The factory default presets may be modified and new 'custom' presets may be 'built', thanks to the complete programmability of the controller's functions:
- PLM6800 incorporates an 'intelligent wiring' system, which provides input and output routing and connector switching (both line in/out and power out) according to the operating configuration selected in the processor. 
The rear panel is fitted with six Speakon® output connectors (two 8-pole and four 4-pole), allowing for rapid cabling of the PalcoPlus components, and also permitting the connection of four full-range or one-way cabinets. This multiple output wiring, which would otherwise seem risky to the speakers if erroneously wired, is made quite safe by the DSP section, which uses internal relays to connect only the correct contacts of the connectors appropriate to the selected preset, disconnecting the unnecessary and otherwise potentially dangerous connections. This same 'intelligent wiring' concept is applied to the four XLR3 line output connectors. These outputs can be set to operate as input links or as processed outputs, thereby facilitating the wiring of multiple systems, and systems combining the PLM6800 with traditional, unprocessed amplifiers.
- The mains power connectors are Neutrik PowerCon®, guaranteeing resistance against vibrations and accidental disconnections.
- PLM6800 features three separate power supplies, one for the DSP controller section and one for each pair of power amplifiers.
The state-of-the-art power amps are fitted with a full suite of protection circuits to safeguard the amps as well as the connected speaker enclosures. The switched-mode power supplies, with power-factor correction, can operate on mains voltages from 85 to 270 V AC (50/60 Hz).
- PLM6800 is built with heavy-duty, road-ready materials, and features a laser-etched front panel, built from aluminum and stainless steel, which will stand forever against scratches and abrasions. The small (two units) height, the front-to-back cooling system (which allow to install the amplifiers in racks without leaving empty spaces for cooling) and the reduced weight make it possible to assemble small and lightweight amplifiers racks, thus simplifying transportation and installation. 

- Two RJ45 connectors provide RS485FD serial interfaces on two RJ45 Ethercon® connectors, for network control using the RAConPLM™ software.


(1) 기능

- 4개의 Class-D 앰프의 콤비로

  각 채널당 1100 W @ 81700 W @ 4 Ω, 브리지 모드 3,000 W X 2 @ 8 Ω 고효율 앰프와 DSP 4 아웃풋 스피커 콘트롤러 이 앰프   내부에 리미터 크로스오버딜레이 이퀄라이져 작동


-24 bit A/D D/A Σ-Δ 컨버터로 최고의 오디오 품질. 강력한 56-bit DSP 컨버터

  RAConPLM 소프트웨어 프로그램과 옵션인 LD2.4 USB 인터페이스를 사용하여 PC8 개의 PLM 6800을 네트워크로 원격 조정가능


- 3개의 분리 파워 서프라이가 있는데 1개는 DSP파워이고 2개는 각 2개의 앰프용이다.

  최신형 앰프로 앰프와 스피커에 대한 세이프 가드의 완벽한 보호회로 장착되어 있다.


- 2개의 RJ45 콘넥터로 RS485FD 인터페이스를 통하여 RACon44 소프트웨어를 사용하 여 네트워크를 콘트롤이 가능하다. 

- Power EIAJ -all ch operating Each ch (1 kHz, 1 %THD) : 4Ω 1500W/2000W 8Ω 1100W

- Slew Rate (8Ω) : 30v/μs (input filter disabled)

- S/R ratio (amplifier+processor) : 100dB (unweighted)

- Distortion : 0.5%(THD, DIM, SMPTE)

- Channels : 4

- Inputs : 2 Balanced

- inputs impedance : 10kΩ

- Total gain : 38dB

- Efficiency(4Ω load) : 75%(typical)

- Bandwidth (4Ω) : 5Hz ~ 25kHz

- Damping factor (20 Hz ~ 1000Hz) : 200

- Dimensions : 2U 19" rack x D526mm

- Weight : 11.5Kg 


주소 : 포천시 자작로 1길 30 (11158)
Tel.031-532-8356 | Fax.031-532-8359 |
사업자:287-88-02786 | 대표자: 승인수
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